Fire Emblem Three Houses What Are the Best Support Conversations

Fire Emblem: Three Houses: ten best Blueish Lions back up conversations

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Intelligent Systems knows how to create fleshed-out characters, and Fire Keepsake: Three Houses delivers. Here are 10 of the all-time support conversations in the Blue Lions house.

As I continue my Burn Emblem: Three Houses journey, the Blueish Lions route struck a chord in me. Every bit much as I love the Black Eagles cast and talked nigh their supports, Dimitri and his gang are dynamic and engaging. Since most of the bosses, at least earlier the fourth dimension skip, are related to some of the characters, it showed me that this route would not exist easy for them.

The story felt more than complex and motivating, dealing with themes such as acceptance of loss. Dimitri might equally well be in the top 5 lords in the Burn Emblem series due to his progression as a graphic symbol. This is not simply nigh him, but the other amazing Bluish Lions students as well.

Like with the Black Eagles list, this will only focus on the Blue Lions cast and not the other students or kinesthesia. There will be spoilers for character endings and going into particular with the supports, so there is your alert.

Here is my list of the x best support conversations from the Blue Lions firm!

Mercedes and Annette

This support between Annette and Mercedes could have just been typical bantering around all-time friends, but this conversation shows how these two grow together from studying together to preparing for war. Their C support starts off with them finished with shopping, just Annette shows business about if their friendship will last forever.

Due to the events of the game, Annette does have the right to worry if things will alter betwixt them. Mercedes thinks on this also, but earlier existence interrupted by Annette, was going to say that they can piece of work information technology out.

The B support takes a surprisingly dark turn when a rogue appears. Annette wants to protect herself and Mercedes, simply once the rogue gets away and knights were coming by, they ran to safe. Mercedes mentions that Annette isn't like herself for trying to pick a fight with the rogue. The redhead claims that she was trying to protect Mercedes, but the latter believes she was at fault for this and leaves Annette, leaving the B back up on a sour notation.

Then the A support comes by when the time skip occurs and they reconcile. Annette had good intentions to protect her best friend, no affair what. Mercedes apologizes for what happened and admits that she wouldn't forgive herself if annihilation happened to Annette. Once they decide on what sweets they should make, that'south how their support ends.

I recollect their support is ambrosial, but information technology does suffer from misunderstandings in the B support, which I find abrasive in conversations in general. Whether you want them to stay best friends forever or go a chance to have them paired in their catastrophe, they are a precious duo.

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